Tech Couch

A Comfy Corner for Software, Security, Cloud, and AI

Browse category power user

Forwarding docker container logs to Grafana Loki

Advanced log processing for local container environments

Understanding computer storage units and transfer speeds

Making sense of Gb, GB, GiB, Gbps and GBps

A Practical Guide to Linux Disk Encryption

Keeping disk contents safe from prying eyes

Editing files with nano

Terminal file-editing made easy

Working with tar archives

...and tar.gz, tar.bz2 and tar.xz

Simplifying terminal operations with python modules

Saving time with python builtin modules

A complete guide to running windows software on linux

Making windows programs behave like they were written for linux

Essential SSH commands

Securely managing remote servers

How software compression works

Making files smaller without losing information

Checking disk health in Linux

Identify bad drives before they fail