Tech Couch

A Comfy Corner for Software, Security, Cloud, and AI

Browse category server admin

Upgrading a PostgreSQL Database with Docker

Safely switching between major releases

What are NewSQL Databases?

A primer on the drop-in replacements for traditional RDBMS systems

Monitoring a docker server with Prometheus and Grafana

Making the monitoring solution part of the container stack

Why bash shell aliases deserve your attention

A seriously underrated feature of the bash shell

Managing packages with apt

How to find, install, update and remove packages - and everything inbetween

Enabling automatic background updates with unattended-upgrades

Keep your debian-based servers up to date automatically

Finding files in linux

Hunting for files an conditional transforming made easy

Getting help from linux man pages

Learning to navigate the linux manual pages to be productive without searching the internet

Producing smaller docker images for go applications

Smaller docker images mean less cost for storage and bandwidth, and faster deployment times. But how do you decrease the size of docker images?